Once you begin making kefir you may find that it has small bubbles in and around the grains. This is especially noticeable when it is warm. These bubbles are made of carbon dioxide, the gas used to...
Category: Fermentation
When you first start making kefir you may become concerned with how fast your grains are growing. They may be growing too fast or too slow for what you expect. This is a natural...
The real reason kefir separates is because the milk has become acidified. The kefir grains are made up of bacteria, yeasts and fungal cultures which use the milk sugars for energy. ...
Kefir grains are a great blessing. They can make as much kefir as you could ever need. Which leads to the inevitable situation where you have too much kefir and it starts to ferment too long.
Sauerkraut As if you need more reasons to eat sauerkraut besides the flavor and crunchy texture it adds to recipes like a Ruben sandwich or sausages and sauerkraut here are 22 additional reasons...
Natto is a fermented soya bean product which is popular in its homeland Japan but due to its unique flavor and texture it has not yet caught on in North America. The flavor is much like...